Friday, February 12, 2016

The Walk

Lent is HARD ya'll...not the same degree of anticipation as in Advent...gets lost in the hoopla of Valentine's Day and the fun of St. Patricks and the Super Bowl and a snow day!

We don't like to think about Lent, we don't like to think about preparing our souls to walk the walk with our Savior. 

We would rather get to the Easter ham and Peeps and Egg hunts, but we are called for a greater journey...

Those of us who walk along this road do so reluctantly.

Lent is not our favorite time of year.

We'd rather be more active - planning and scurrying around.

All this is too contemplative to suit us.

Besides we don't know what to do with piousness and prayer.

Perhaps we're afraid to have time to think, for thoughts come unbidden.

Perhaps we're afraid to face our future knowing our past.

Give us the courage, O God, to hear your word and to read our living into it.

Give us the trust to know we're forgiven, and give us the faith to take up our lives and walk.       Ann Weems

My prayer on this ordinary Friday Lord: oh yes, give me the trust to know I am forgiven and the faith and strength and courage to lay down my small life and walk this path to Easter.

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